Friday, May 27, 2016

Phalut: Meadowlands of the East - Part III

#3: Left and Right Wing Politics at Tonglu

Outside the storm raged and it seemed at times that roof over the head would blow away. And inside the room were two lanterns and their long shadows and yellow light. We sat at the table, nursing our tired legs and drinking pots of tea. But the conversation that raged was a potboiler - the ongoing elections in Bengal and the left and right wing of thoughts.

Here is a snippet.

"Somewhere I had heard that Left and Right wing politics had originated sometime during the French revolution. Some were born to create the establishment. Whereas some are born to challenge it.
And whereas the Right Wing - has seemingly been the example to refer to; the Left has been the anarchist who challenged the norm. The revolutionary. The disruptive. But the revolutionary was hungry. He wanted to rise above the multitude and show the world his vision. He was hungry for freedom. He wanted to be heard. And his questions led me to my questions.
  • What was correct - Obeying the suppressor with bowed heads or challenging the rule with the fist of freedom?
  • Who was 'the man' - Steve Jobs or Bill Gates?
  • Who is right - The poster boy or the unrelenting revolutionary?
  • And who is better - the organic team of Barcelona or the assimilated galacticos of Real Madrid?
  • Who ruled the world - US or the USSR?
  • Would you want to be the Mahatma or Netaji? Or Che Guevara and the Imperalists? Socialist or the Capitalist?"
Dear comrades, let me assure you, we never reached a conclusion; but again some discussions never need an ending!
White Rhododendrons

Trekkers Walking Along the trail

Cobbled trails

Cloudy morning at Tonglu

The thread like trail

At Bhikeybhanjan

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