Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Kandhari Sunday Lunch

The Lazy Sunday Lunch!
For the last few weeks, preparing the Sunday lunch has become a habit.And unless guests are invited to the house, and its the wife and me, then its a new recipe tried every Sunday.Generally all outing and movies and drives and some shopping are meant for Saturdays but when its Sunday I love to stay at home,relax, cook,sleep,lazily have some tea; whereas the wife gets down to the business of doing up the home.I had bought some mutton yesterday to prepare what is called the "Kandhari Gosht" but kept on wondering what to prepare with the Gosht. After much deliberation I thought of preparing Kashmiri Pulao.Both the dishes are nutty and fruity and would gel well.

It being a Sunday, I woke up pretty late and revved up my Enfield to the nearby bazaar.Nothing was to be bought excepting some cashews and raisins.Then lumbered into the tea shop and had a cup of tea, chatted with the folks and returned back home.Sundays feel ever so relaxing all the time.I feel that its that day when I am the master of time.The cook prepared some Luchi and Alur Dum and Poached Eggs for breakfast which I absolutely loved to have. The Luchis were damn shot, infact steaming.Then lazed around watching the TV, reading the Sunday magazine.The wife then prepared a cup of tea, which I sipped over 10 mins leaving it stone cold.

Most of the preparations for the Pulao and Mutton was done by our cook, who herself cooks very well.But since its a passion of mine so, I too love to indulge in the kitchen.I then, ventured into the kitchen, slow cooked the mutton for well over 2 hours.And we had a really sumptous lunch. The wife loved it and was particularly appreciative of the mutton.Dessert was a classic Vanilla flavoured ice cream.At times, it really feels too good.

P.S: Infact the mutton was so good that we presented our neighbours and landlady with it!

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